G-Sim Simulator
TYPICAL G-Sim Instructor Station
The Liquid Operations Simulator (or Liquid Gas Handling Simulator) developed by GTT Training Ltd., is a highly detailed simulation platform that allows operators to be trained in all aspects of handling Liquid Gas Cargoes on board ship and ashore. The accuracy and realism of the simulator also allows it to be used for research and operation pre planning / procedure checking purposes.
Using high fidelity mathematical models the system provides very realistic simulation of all the flow and control processes together with the appropriate equipment for the respective liquid gas system(s). Facilities within G-Sim allow the operator to select the system that is to be used based upon:
Vessel size
Cargo containment system
Propulsion system
LNG Cargo composition
Each model includes all the components of a vessel or system that need to be considered in the management of a vessel or shore installation and hence allow any operation that may be undertaken on the real system to be replicated. Consequently the models allow the full scope of training to be conducted from basic system familiarisation through to detailed problem solving and implementing emergency procedures involving LNG Carriers and vessels using LNG as a fuel.
Main features of the system are:
Designed to run on any PC or tablet using a MS Windows based operating system
User interface designed to replicate real systems incorporating all the appropriate controls and information, whilst being simple to use
Ability to configure the training environment to suit the requirements of the organisation, instructor or individual.
The flexibility of the system allows it to be used very effectively for:
All the models are designed specifically to support the training requirements for seafarers, as identified by the STCW convention, and industry bodies such as SIGTTO & SGMF
Performance Assessment
Research including:
Pre-running on unusual load patterns
Development and verification of operating procedures
System design
G-Sim, and all the model libraries, are approved by DNV in accordance with their Standard for Maritime Simulators Systems (DNVGL-ST-0033), meeting the requirements of Type A, B, C, D & Type S as appropriate
Model libraries available:
LNG Carrier Library
Twelve different configurations of LNG Carrier including :
Steam Propulsion
DFDE Propulsion
MEGI Propulsion
LNG Fuel Gas Handling & Bunkering Library
Different configurations of LNG Fuel Gas Handling Systems including:
atmospheric storage to XDF & medium speed consumers
pressurised storage to medium speed consumers
atmospheric storage to MEGI & medium speed consumers
Each model within the library includes the vessel’s LNG fuel tanks and the complete fuel gas handling management system, along with all the associated support systems, as fitted on the latest LNG fuelled vessels. Users can undertake any operation with such a system as on board a real vessel. including:
preparation and management of the LNG fuel tanks,
bunkering from different types of suppliers
the supply of gas fuel to the equipment on board using both compressors and fuel pumps.
A CCTV view of the bunker stations is also available as appropriate
LNG Bunker vessel module also allows the simulation of
Pressurised (Type C) to Pressurised (Type C)
Pressurised (Type C) to Atmospheric (Membrane / Type B)
Atmospheric to Pressurised
Atmospheric to Atmospheric
The type of LNG fuel tank and the composition of the LNG to be bunkered may be changes as required
G-Sim Online
G-Sim is now available a fully ‘Online’ service. The service provides the same model libraries and functionality as the classroom system (as described above), accept that it is hosted on dedicated GTT Training cloud servers. The system can be accessed and used by instructors and students from any location, using any platform (Windows, Mac or Android), at any time providing complete flexibility as to when training can be provided.
For the end user (Instructor or student) access to G-Sim is via a link which is sent to the end user by the instructor or administrator. When clicked on G-Sim will open within their internet browser. Once connection has been established, the operators have full control of the simulator, with the same functionality, as if they were using the system in the traditional classroom arrangement. Combining G-Sim Online with the use of a video conferencing application allows the full suite of training that would normally be delivered in a classroom to be delivered online.
Administration of the system for subscribers is also designed to be simple. The instructor or nominated person will be provided with access to the administration tool that allows them to set up trainees, (with the ability to define their login criteria, which stations they have access to, date/time limitations, and permissions) and the configuration of the simulator for use in group or individual modes allowing administrators to plan in advance and limit access to only when it is required.
Benefits of the ‘G-Sim online’ service include:
No hardware purchase required
No specific classroom required
Simulator accessible from any location, at any time (subject to internet connection) allowing training to be delivered to students located around the world at the same time.
No costs associated with trainees having to travel to a training centre location
No concerns regarding maintenance (all included within the subscription)
Access available within a few days of order being confirmed
G-Sim Purchase options
G-Sim is currently available to purchase via the following options:
PC within a classroom environment
Full license purchase (for installation on PC’s within a classroom environment)
Staged payment option
Annual subscription
G-Sim Online
Annual subscription
Client will be provided with access to the number of virtual stations required on a client dedicated server for the duration of the subscription period. This allows:
Access to the full system at any time, as and when required, 24/7
Ability to create and save own training scenarios for use at any time
Ability to administer access for trainees
Continuous maintenance of the G-Sim software installed on the virtual PC’s including the installation of system and model upgrades as they become available
Help desk for instructors and technicians
Remote assistance support
Training of instructors in the basic operation and administration of the simulator software
Pay as You Go
Fee based on the number of stations and the duration required.
Access provided to a non-client specific ‘shared’ server, on a first come, first served, per station basis (subject to availability).
Ability to create and use own exercise scenarios is limited to the duration of the access period purchased.
Continuous maintenance of the G-Sim software installed on the virtual PC’s including the installation of system and model upgrades as they become available.
Instruction in the basic operation and administration of the simulator software
Please contact us if you would like further information on how you may be able to use G-Sim to improve your LNG Operations / LNG as a Fuel capability or pricing details.
Alternatively you can download a G-Sim Description document by clicking here: G-Sim Technical Description
Model Development Service
Do you have a series of vessels equipped with new systems, a new shore facility, or a special requirement where your trainees would benefit from undertaking training on a model that replicates the arrangement and equipment installed on board an actual vessel, or facility?
Utilising our very experienced modelling team GTT Training have the capability to provide specific simulation models for clients of almost any type of system that involves the movement of liquids and gases within a closed system. Development can be completed quickly enabling training to be commenced often before the actual vessels or systems are delivered. Examples of systems that we can assist with include:
Vessels engaged in the carriage of bulk liquid cargoes (LNG, LPG, Oils, Chemicals)
Vessels using gas as a fuel
Oil or gas terminals and distribution networks
Water distribution
Examples of models developed previously for clients include:
LNG Carrier with new types of propulsion system
LNG Carrier with new BOG management system
Fuel gas handling and storage system for various LNG fuelled vessels
LNG Ship to Ship / FSRU transfer evaluation tool
If you have the information for the system to be modelled (vessel or shore facility) available, and think this could provide benefits to your organisation, contact us and we would be very happy to explain the process and discuss the options available in more detail.