Who is it for: In accordance with STCW, all persons wishing to serve onboard vessels that are subject to the IGF code, shall have attended or be involved with conducting, at least three LNG bunkering operations, two of which may be simulated. This course provides the opportunity to undertake the simulated bunkerings to meet this requirement.
It is suitable for all ship staff who require the experience in indertaking 'Bunkering' operations to meet the requirements for the issue of the Certificate in Proficiency for sailing on IGF Code vessels and Superintendents of such vessels who wish to gain a more in depth understanding of LNG Bunkering operations.
Syllabus: Theory
- Typical start of transfer sequences
- Checks conducted prior to bunkering operations
- Hazardous Zones
- Pre-operations safety checks and checklists
- Considerations regarding simulataneous operations (SIMOPS)
- Pre-operations transfer meeting
Simulation Exercises Conducting of two LNG Bunkering exercises each consiting of:
- Hose connection procedures
- Tests and checks
- Line cooldown and ramp up
- Topping off of tanks
- Hose draining, purging and disconnection
Methodology: Mixture of lectures, discussion, and simulation exercises using a Liquid Gas Handling Simulator
Certification: Upon completion each delegate will receive a certificate issued by GTT Training
Duration: 1 day
Location: Provided 'ONLINE'
Schedule: See below, or available upon request.
Price: £460 (excl VAT) per person.
Payments: Upon confirmation that the course will run GTT Training Ltd will issue an invoice using the details provided on the registration form. Except when separate arrangements have been agreed in advance, full payment will be required within 30 days of the invoice date, or prior to the commencement date of the course, whichever is earlier. Payment should be made into the GTT Training Ltd account as per the instructions on the invoice(s). Payments can also be made by credit card or PayPal, please follow the instructions on the invoice. Please ensure your correct method of payment is entered on the registration form.
Contact: If you have any questions or require some further information on this course please complete and submit the form below or Phone: +44 (0)7741 581433
To Register for a course Click on the Course Registration button then complete the course registration form, selecting the course date you want to register for. When the form is fully complete submit the form, or for further information regarding dates complete the information request form below.
(Please Note: A separate form is required to be submitted for each attendee where their company or invoice details are different from each other. When registering multiple trainees that have the same company or invoice information, select the Multiple Registration button on the registration form)
Dates Available for 2024
On Demand for 2 or more persons.
Please indicate a range of dates you are available for a course to be run on the enquiry form below.