Specialized LNG Courses provided to leading LNG operators, Teekay Shipping and NYK Shipmanagement

Delivered at their main offices in Glasgow, the Membrane Technologies  course adapted specifically to suit Teekay's requirements was provided to an audience comprising a number of the superintendents that support the Teekay LNG fleet.  Covering the design and construction of the various membrane systems in detail in the office allowed Teekay to provide the training whilst causing minimal disruption to their day to day requirements.

The course for NYK Shipmangement concentrated specifically on the operational issues that may be encountered when operating an LNG Bunker vessel.  Designed to prepare  crews for the new LNG bunker vessel that NYK currently has on order, the subjects included in depth focus on the behavior of LNG and how that can be controlled to best effect in the various scenarios that the vessel may encounter when awaiting and during transfer operations.  The course was delivered at the offices of NYK Shipmanagement in London.